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Bluemotion Banda is located on Banda Naira, the capital island of a group of 11 dreamy islands in the middle of the Banda Sea. Read more... 

Dive Season

Covid-19 Travel Information

We offer dive trips from September till May, however, in January there may be limited service depending on the weather situation (little rainy season). Find us in Baba Lagoon Hotel. We're there for you every day from 8 am till 6 pm.

We close during the southeast monsoon from June till August. 

Dengan senang hati kami menyambut anda di Banda. Secara konsisten kami menerapkan protokol COVID-19 di lingkungan kerja kami untuk melindungi para tamu, para pekerja kami dan masyarakat di sekitar Kepulauan Banda Naira.


Kebersihan dan desinfektan peralatan rental kami dan juga seluruh divecenter adalah salah satu komitmen yang akan kami tegaskan untuk keselamatan dan kesehatan semuanya.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, dapat klik di link dibawah ini:


Updated 02/09/2022

Banda and Indonesia are open for tourism. You can enter Indonesia through any international airport and can obtain a visa on arrival for IDR 500,000. The only requirement is a proof of being fully vaccinated (3 times). Before checking in to your flight to Indonesia you need to download the app "Peduli Lindungi" and fill in your personal details. 


We'll do our best to keep you updated on ferry schedules this and the coming seasons: Check out our "getting there" section for this.


Feel free to contact us for more information.



dive center


The underwater environment is what we deeply care about

As Green Fins member, we are always aiming at further minimising our environmental impact. Besides following the green fin standards, we contribute to a local waste management program and are partner of Reefcheck Indonesia.

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